Dear Customer,
Please be advised that because KWJ/ECO/SPEC supplies health and safety equipment for essential businesses and critical infrastructure, we are exempt from closure under the California “Safer at Home” order issued in response to COVID-19. Understanding the severity of the virus and its transmission, and with the safety of our employees and their families first in mind, we will resume limited operations in our facility in Newark on March 23, 2020 to do our part in maintaining the critical supply chain.
Operations will be limited to those most critical to supporting essential businesses and infrastructure, and our employees will be following all CDC guidelines for their protection and to limit the spread of the virus. Our sales staff and engineers will continue to work remotely so we can process new orders, continue existing projects, and provide customer support over the coming weeks and months. Please contact us as you normally would; we will be responding to emails and phone calls.
We greatly appreciate your understanding of the situation, and your patience with any delays in our supply. We are doing our part and taking these measures at the direction of our local government to maintain the health and wellness of our staff and the community at large. These are unprecedented times and the situation is changing rapidly, so we will continue to update you. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me or our staff directly.
Thanks, and Stay Safe,